This overview outlines the rich Montessori curriculum that is presented during this three-year learning cycle. Students advance according to their developmental readiness which is the premise of the Montessori philosophy including quality and level of work completed. Gifted Students thrive in our Montessori classrooms where accelerated learning is encouraged. Teachers utilize a multi-sensory approach, which addresses all learning styles and creates the optimal learning environment. Montessori offers a unique learning environment and specialized materials for students to accomplish these goals. The exit requirements are mastery of these concepts.
Life Skills/Development
Grace and courtesy: manners, proper introductions, how to properly interrupt, co-operative, patience, listening skills learning to speak softly and quietly
Lengthening attention span
Ease of transition from one activity to another
Observe others or a lesson
Completion for materials and environment
Care of self
Gross motor control
Fine Motor control
Care of environment
Food Preparation
Literature & writing
Reading readiness: letter/sound recognition, rhyming, sequencing and classifying, auditory and visual discrimination, vocabulary.
Reading: letter sounds/sandpaper letter, objects with sounds, movable alphabet with objects, words and sentences
Pink Phonetic Group: two and three letter words with objects, picture cards, flashcard booklets and word list
Blue Phonetic Group: four or more letters with objects, picture matching cards, flashcard booklets, word lists, sentences with object, sentences with picture and books
Green Phonetic Group: Phonograms, digraphs and exceptions
Sight words are integrated throughout the reading program
Preparation for writing is developed through working in the Practical Life and Sensorial areas
Tracing Metal Insets with colored pencil and creating Metal Inset design booklets
Tracing Sandpaper Letters and Sandpaper Numerals with fingers
Tracing picture with pencil
Writing manuscript letter and numerals using dots, writing on lined paper
Writing words, sentence and stories
Cursive introduced to Kindergarteners in the Spring
Preparation for math begins in the Practical Life and Sensorial area
Number Recognition: Number Rods with Numerals, Sandpaper Numerals, Table Top Road with Numerals, Spindle Box, Cards and Counters, Odd and even
Decimal System: Introduction, Quantity and symbol, Layout of symbols(1-9000), Nine Tray with symbols, Ten Tray (Comparison), Thousand Game, Exchange Game, Bank, Ten Board, 1-100 board
Addition: addition with Tabletop Rods, addition with color Brad stair, Addition strip Board with booklets, Operations (+,-) with Golden Bead Materials
Bead Cabinet: Chains(1-1000) Linear Counting and skip counting(ex. 3,6,9)
Time, calendar, money and measurement
History/Cultural Studies/Geography
History: clock, time and calendar
Holidays and famous Americans
Cultural Studies: overview of continents, cultural diversity, study of U.S., study of Tennessee
Geography: study of air , land and water
Directions N,S,E,W
Sandpaper Globe with Continents
Color Continent Globe
Continent Maps with control boards, tracing of the continent maps
Land Forms
Life Science/Physical Science/Earth Science/Health
Botany: Parts of a plant, a tree and a flower
Care of plants
Zoology: living and non-living
Classification and Life Cycles-fish, amphibian, reptile, bird, mammal
Vertebrates and invertebrates
Astronomy: solar system
Science: sink and float, magnets
Earth Science: rocks, layers of the earth, volcanoes
Seasons and weather
Anatomy: skeleton cards, parts of the human body, organs of the human body
Health: nutrition and food groups
Art & Music
Media and techniques: Push pinning, cutting strips, gluing, tempera paints, clay, felt markers, colored pencils, crayons, collage, origami, color and color mixing
Art Appreciation
Art is integrated into the classroom on a daily basis
Kindergarten Art
Learn to use media in a safe and creative way
Learn that everyone is capable of creating works of art
Instrument matching cards
Other languages
color names
Animal names
Body parts
Basic question and phrases
Play Time
Perceptual/Gross Motor Skills: bouncing, tossing, catching balls, running, climbing bars
Bike paddling equipment
Walking on a line
Balance beams
Muscular Coordination
Social Skills
Computer: Keyboarding and basic skills