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How do your discounts work?We have military and multi-sibling discounts. The military discount is $15 off per week per family. The multi-sibling discount is $15 off the second child, $20 off the third, $25 off the fourth and all other children.
Do you have a waitlist?We do have a waitlist for some age groups. However, Oasis is undergoing a large expansion and a lot of spaces are opening up! To find out our availability, you can call us, or have us call you by filling out a form HERE. To get on the waitlist you can fill out the pre-enrollment application, which will require a $50 application fee.
Do you offer school pickup?Yes!
How do I register?Great Question! If you fill out this form we will contact you shortly to start the registration process.
When are you open?We’re open 5 days a week, Monday through Friday, from 6:00am to 6:00pm. Drop off is from 6:00am to 10:00am, and you can pick your child up any time after that.
What age can my child start?The youngest a child can enroll is at 3 months old. They can, of course, get on the waitlist before that.
Do you offer part-time?No, sorry. We’ve discontinued our part-time programs and aren’t enrolling any new part-time students. We’re only enrolling full-time students 5 days per week.
Do you provide food?Yes. We provide three meals a day: breakfast, lunch, and PM snack.
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